
Send your stories about your menopause journey and inspire others with real stories from real women if the “Ketura Tribe”.

Dear Auntie VonieAaah, kkkk, so today I decided to ask ppl around me about Menopause.Kkkk 1st, an African Sotho woman, told me she reached Menopause due to a bad spell…

Ini, I did not know about Menopause. But when I was abt 46, my periods became very irregular. I’d go for 3 to 4 months without a period, and then…

Auntie VonieGrowing up, talking about Menopause was a taboo and silent discussion. To hear one talk of hot flashes, people would burst out laughing… I never understood why, even to…

Auntie Voni,Menopause is tricky in the sense that you are usually caught unaware. A lot goes into your mind; you become very emotional, irritated, and anxious. There are also physical…

Auntie Vonie,I want to share some myths about Menopause that I have come across:Some people believe that when you reach Menopause, your womb has been spiritually cut off due to…

Dear auntie VonieGreetings.Ummm, what a time.Periods are very erratic, one month here, the other there, the next nothing or very little.So then you may stop if more than 12 months…

Auntie Vonie,Menopause is a phase that every woman dreads going thru.But as for me, I had a vasectomy where they removed chibereko (womb); by then I was 52 years old.I…